About Us

With acupuncture, shiatsu and herbs, we have effectively treated: acne; allergies; arthritis; back, neck and shoulder pain; CFS; depression; digestive disorders; energy loss; exhaustion; facial pain and paralysis; fatigue; fibromyalgia; hair loss; headaches, including migraines; IBS; infertility; insomnia; MS; menopause; muscle stiffness; PMS; pain; reduced mobility; sinus problems; stroke sequela; sports/automobile injures; sciatica; shingles; stress; whiplash and other afflictions.

Our special program includes adjuvant treatment for IVF-ET; regain bladder control, quit smoking and weight control (appetite control).

We introduce a healthy life style to our client and ask them to follow a simple diet and do the self massage.

Our staffs are comprised of Registered Massage Therapists (RMT), Certified Shiatsu and Acupuncture Therapists, Herbalists and Chinese Medical Doctor (CMD).  Our staffs are licensed in the Canada, Japan and US; and with The Canadian Society of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture (CSCMA), Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Canada (CMAAC), and Shiatsu Society of Ontario (SSO).

Our services are covered by most extended health plan.