How to prevent noise-induced hearing loss


There is no official cure for hearing loss which makes hearing loss prevention even more important to practice every day. Here is what you can do to protect your ears from noise-induced hearing loss.

Consider wearing hearing protection such as disposable earplugs, and take regular breaks from loud environments. Also, remember to wipe down your ear plugs after each use to prevent infections caused by outside germs.

A good song or a loud environment can tempt us to turn up the volume on our music players. Unfortunately, listening to music too loudly through our earphones can cause permanent damage to our hearing. In fact, hearing loss is on the rise in teens and young adults. Keep your volume at no more than 60% of the maximum. Some music players can physically apply this setting too and warn you if you try to exceed unsafe listening levels.

Where and How to protect your ears

Protect your ears in these potentially harmful environments.

  • Places with a lot of background noise

           If you have to shout to make yourself heard, you could have a hearing loss.

  • Industrial locations

    Whether you work in a factory, power plant or anywhere with excessive noise and/or loud machinery, reduce the risk of hearing loss by using earplugs or other forms of hearing protection.

  • Concerts, Festivals, Parties

    Do not stand too close to the speakers, take breaks from the noise when you can, avoid shouting your conversations and be sure to wear hearing protection.

How loud is too loud?

Sounds are considered harmful when they exceed 85 dB SPL, which is similar to the loudness of heavy traffic. Sound levels can soar to dangerous levels in our everyday lives more often than you might think! Here are some noise comparisons for your reference.

Normal conversation: 60 dB 

Busy street: 75-85 dB 

Lawn mower: 90 dB 

Chainsaw: 100-120 dB 

Heavy truck seven metres away: 100 dB 

Loud music on smartphone: 112 dB

 Loud car horn: 110 dB

Rock concert: 120 dB 

Ambulance siren: 120 dB

Jet engine: 140 dB

Loud Noise and Tinnitus

The most common cause of tinnitus is loud noise that damages the sensory cells in the cochlea. (The cochlea is the snail-like or shell-like organ in the inner ear where sounds are converted into electrical signals.) Damage to the hair cells in our ear can cause both tinnitus and hearing loss. In fact, more than 80% of people with tinnitus also experience some degree of hearing loss, but many tinnitus sufferers are not aware that their hearing is suffering too.

More about tinnitus

3 simple rules to prevent hearing loss 

  • 1. Use hearing protection

    If you must be in noisy environments, wear earplugs or noise cancelling headphones.

  • 2. Use earphones at safe noise levels

    Do not exceed 60% of the maximum volume of your audio device.

  • 3. Give your ears a break

    Move away from noisy environments and avoid exceed one hour of noise exposure.


Date Added 2019-08-23
Product Id 10477782