Modo Yoga Bloor West in Toronto
On July 13 at 6:10 AM
CONTEST ALERT! Over the next 38 days we will be posting each pose in the Moksha yoga series. You can WIN fun weekly prizes, and have a chance to win our GRAND PRIZE, one month FREE unlimited yoga! How can you win? Post your own photo of our daily pose and tag us @mokshayogabloorwest that's it! There's no limit to how many posts you can enter, so have fun! We can't wait to share our poses with you!

Modo Yoga Bloor West in Toronto
On July 06 at 12:06 PM
The weather forecast calls for 35 today with humidity - keep up your hot yoga practice to be prepared for the summer heat

Modo Yoga Bloor West in Toronto
On June 22 at 6:18 AM
Why should you practice hot yoga in the summer? Stay tuned as we reveal the top 10 reasons over the next 10 weeks; keep your eyes peeled for weekly contests that could land you free yoga! Reason #1 - improve your much needed self hydration!

Modo Yoga Bloor West in Toronto
On June 14 at 8:12 AM
Give you Dad an extra special gift this Sunday, your time. Take a class together on Father's Day and his class fee is on us

Modo Yoga Bloor West in Toronto
On June 13 at 10:49 AM
Letter From The Director | The June Edition 2017

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